
Siete i migliori!!! Rosinita più di tutti!! grazie per l’esperienza fantastica!!!
Roberta Sanna, Italy, 06.01.2017,
“Great family activity”
We went on our first horseback riding trip as a family and enjoyed it a lot. Yanina and Pietro were super nice and remained patient even though the tour took us much longer than expected because I had never ridden before and preferred to go slowly. The horses were friendly and easy to handle. The trip was very scenic and made even more interesting by Yanina’s explanations. We highly recommend it!
pmueller963, Switzerland, 19.10.2016,
“Beautiful experience ”
I visited Sardegna for the third time, but this time I discovered that the best way to discover en enjoy the beauty of the Island is on horseback. I went to the stable of Sella Sarda in Orogoloso and Pietro and Yanina took me on a beautiful trip. And although it was about 30 years ago that I was on horseback they made my feel very confident. Together with the explanations of Yanina about the things we saw I can say that it was a wonderful experience and the best way to enjoy the Island. Especially with the horse I had. I really loved it! Hoped it loved me a little bit too!
Kuki Beems, Holland, Visited October 2016,
“Sardinia – the island the fairy tale”
Sardinia – the island the fairy tale. God’s foot in the azure sea .Ichnusa the ancient name of the island. We not for the first time came to Sardinia, but it is possible to tell definitely, for all horselovers it is paradise. Yanina and Pyeto great guides and very interesting people, Yana is a sculptor, Pietro The Horse Whisperer. We will surely return
Visited August 2016
Helga S, Russia, 10.09.2016,
“A wonderful experience”
Definitely worth going there! I am glad that we chose this stable! Yanina and Pedro are very nice and friendly. The horses are well behaved, in good shape and well trained. We chose the two hour ride because my boyfriend never was on a horse before. It was a good trip for beginners and also fun for advanced riders. They really care for your security (you get a helmet, a west and chaps). It is a wonderful way to discover Sardinias landscape.
I would definitely go there again!
Manuela S, 24.08.2016,
“How to discover the Barbadgia”
We have galloped on the scarp to the place overlooking the valley, and have frozen there. We have been in time. The sun still layed over the mountain and pink-orange rays shone clouds … lying directly below us! Near San Michele fog has begun to melt under rays of the rising sun and rise higher and higher. We have walked through his thin layers to the church and saw how “golden” clouds of steam rise on her background.
From ther top we could enjoy a fantastic view. There was a feeling that we were birds or we flew by plane … At such moment you can really understand the meaning of the proverb “The Horse is wings for human”, cause only a horse can present for you a memorable walk in the mountains and a sense of flight.
Thank you very much to Yanina and Pietro for this brilliant memories!
I should to note, that you will have a trip on the back of the local horse – sardinian pony. All exursions are interesting and fun, cause Yanina and Pietro can show to you different spots around Orgosolo and they know a lot of stories about history and culture of this places. And as usual Pietro with his Indio shows many different tricks :). If you choose more than 2 hours trip, somewhere at the middle your will have a breake with some yummy kinds of sardinian meal.
So it will be interesting for advanced riders and for person who decide to ride on a horseback first time.
By the way you can plan to connect horseriding day and visiting of local folklore holydays with the participation of houndred riders, like Festa della San Pietro or Ferragosto and etc. I decide to visit Ferragosto. It will be great way for discovering the Barbadgia :)!
Victoria Fedulova, Moscow, Russia, Visited August 2016,
Super zufrieden! Wir hatten einen tollen Ritt. Anfänger und Fortgeschrittene sind gleichermaßen gut aufgehoben. Die Pferde sind sehr gut ausgebildet und in einem sehr guten Zustand. Die Betreuung durch die Reitlehrer ist super
Jederzeit wieder
Manuela Schmitten, Germany, 24.08.2016,
“Meraviglioso modo di esplorare il cuore della Sardegna”
Io e il mio ragazzo abbiamo fatto il percorso il 16 Agosto. 4 ore intense di passeggiata a cavallo (più un’ora di pranzo di cibo tipico incluso nel prezzo) per le terre incontaminate della Sardegna centrale. Trotto, galoppo, un’emozione che non dimentichi. Gita adatta a tutti, anche ai meno esperti ma curiosi, grazie a Pietro e Yanina che danno i giusti suggerimenti e ai cavalli pazienti e fantastici da portare. Soldi spesi benissimo, ne vale assolutamente la pena.
Maria Ceraulo, Palermo, Italy, 22 August 2016,
“Un esperienza indimenticabile!!”
Bellissima esursione nel supramonte di orgosolo. Abbiamo scelto il percorso di 4 ore e devo dire che ne è valsa veramente la pena. Cavalli buonissimi e adatti anche alle persone meno esperte. Pietro e Yanina sono veramente competenti ed anche molto simpatici. Durante il percorso si sono rivelati essere ottime guide, permettendoci cosi di entrare a contatto con la natura e gli animali locali. Dopo le prime due ore ci hanno offerto una pausa ristoro con ottimi salumi tipici della zona, per poi proseguire alla scoperta del magnifico entroterra sardo. Che dire.. Se dovessi tornare sicuramente ripeterei l’esperienza!
Erika T, Italy, visited August 2016,
“Definitely worth to go there!! ”
The ranch is very well organized and riders get helmets, body protection and chaps there. All horses are very well behaved and easy to ride. Pietro and Yanina are very warm hearted people and fun to talk with. Yanina speaks english, italian and russian- and by the way, she also makes beautiful artwork :). If you are lucky pietro might also show you some impressive tricks on his horse ;).
They also offer longer rides (also whole weeks), which I haven’t done yet, but hopefully will one day :)!
Anita K, Germany, 11.08.2016,
Non c’è modo migliore, per chi ama i cavalli, per vivere la Sardgna nella sua vera essenza fatta di natura e di tradizioni. Accompagnati da guide affidabili si condividono con i nostri amici cavalli momenti indimenticabili scoprendo luoghi dal cuore dell’isola nel Supramonte sino alle cale più belle della costa orientale. Nonostante percorsi a volte impervi e faticosi ogni volta che ci si ferma nei punti di ristoro presso qualche fonte o presso qualche ovile il corpo e l’anima sembrano rigenerarsi in un attimo ed il viaggio alla fine sembra sempre troppo breve. Grazie Pietro e Yanina, spero di poter condividere un nuovo viaggio con voi e con i vostri magnifici cavalli.
Bastianina Mossa, Italy, 30.06.2016,
This amazing trip helped me forget all the troubles in the world and truly enjoy the nature and people around!
If you are looking for an incredible adventure, if you want to meet new interesting people, spend some time far away from the chaos of the modern world – you just have to come here!!
Whether you travel with a family or friends or simply alone – here you will find what you didn’t know you were looking for…
We are so grateful to Yanina and Pietro for such a marvelous time we had and for their kindness and hospitality and surely for their amazing horses!!!
Thank you!!
Ksenia K, Russia, 29.06.2016,
Bellissima escursione nel supra monte di orgosolo luoghi meravigliosi accompagnati da un ottima guida che ci fa sempre sentire a casa nostra!
Tiziana Sitzia, Italy, Visited June 2016,
“Horse riding excursion “Orgosolo Funtana bona””
I was on tour on 18th June. We left at 9 am and returned 9 pm and 12 hours we spent in the saddle! We had a few stops and a large picnic in the forest at afternoon.
I was given a local Sardinian horse, small, but very strong. Horses were good trained and sensitive. Instructors take care of the security: give helmets and body protection and monitoring the execution of safety.
The route is interesting, views of the nature is awesome. On the tour, we saw wild animals such as boars and moufflons.
Bugaysky, St. Petersburg, Russia, 27.06.2016,
“Gita relax a cavallo”
E’ stata un escursione molto interessante, le spiegazioni passo passo del territorio sono stati illuminanti. Ringrazio della pazienza, haime’, non sono molto sicura nell’andare a cavallo, invece le guide sono state pazienti e sono riuscite a farmi tenere un passo quasi alla pari degli esperti. Cavalli padroni del percorso, e quindi tutti possono partecipare. Lo consiglio a tutti…naturalmente anche ai meno esperti.:)
Antalena E Dint… O, Italy, 26 June 2016,
We had a great day at Orgosolo with Yanina and Pietro and their incredible horses riding through Supramonte! Adventurous, funny and unforgettable trip and super friendly people – thank you very much for this excursion!
Sonja Räubertochter, Germany, 10.05.2016,
Потрясающее !!!”
Были с друзьями в мае 2016. Очень понравилось! Лошадки супер! Интересно слушать рассказы Пьетро и наблюдать за видами. Очень приветливые люди- рекомендую!
Katja K, Russia, Visited May 2016,
“Best vacation ever!!))”
My first trip to Orgosolo was two years ago! I came to this beautiful small city and fall in love at first sight! Incredible views, amazing myrales, fantastic food and of course horses)) For me it was first time when I had a horse tour and I enjoyed it very very much! (To tell the truth I enjoyed my tour so much that I returned as a volunteer!)
I met there Yanina and Pietro and I want to thank them very much from all my heart for the best vacation ever)) They are very sincere and heartfelt people who great you as you are part of a family and never give you a chance to get bored))
We went to different amazing excursions and picnics)) it’s difficult to explain with the words, you should try it by yourself to understand how it feels when you are high in the mountains on the horse with your friends, so beautiful views, freedom..))
This vacation is both good for professional horse riders and for beginners! Also it’s unforgettable experience for children and for all family))
So if you want to try something really exciting and you are in Orgosolo you definitely should go to that excursion)) it’s an adventure that you’re going to remember for all your life))
Kate Omelchuk, Russia, Visited May 2016,
“Почувствовать дух острова и по новому увидеть себя.”
У меня остались самые светлые воспоминания от конной прогулки с Яниной и Пьетро. Наша группа в основном своем составе была не опытными всадниками, но с нашими экскурсоводами-предводителями мы чувствовали себя в безопасности. Во время прогулки мы потеряли счет времени и нам хотелось чтобы дню не было конца. Мы поднимались в горы по тропам сказочного леса и потом нам открылся панорамный вид – у нас захватило дыхание от того как высоко мы находились и как прекрасен был остров в высоты. Лошади, на которых мы путешествовали, были очень спокойные и дружелюбные. (Перед походом нам подобрали “товарищей” по складу комплекции и характера.) Я испытала много новых ощущений в течении этого дня: природа была первобытно чиста и загадочна, мои мысли остановились, я находилась ” в здесь и сейчас”. Этот опыт был похож на медитацию. Очень жду новой встречи с островом и конной ассоциацией “Sella Sarda”.!
Evgenia Fedorova, Russia, Visited October 2015,
“Незабываемые каникулы на Сардинии”
Незабываемые впечатления о путешествии!!! Мы с семьей уже два года подряд совершаем конные туры по Сардинии! Заботливые, внимательные, доброжелательные сопровождающие! Хорошие, крепкие, спокойные, тренированные лошади! Красоты необыкновенные!!! Кухня наивкуснейшая! Всем, кто любит природу, лошадей, историю, рекомендую)))
marino4ka2016, St. Petersburg, Russia, Visited August 2015,
“Bellissima gita”
Abbiamo fatto una bellissima gita a cavallo l’anno scorso.
I paesaggi della zona sono veramente spettacolari. I cavalli erano bravi e ci siamo devertiti tantissimo.
Quest’anno vogliamo ripetere la gita! Assolutamente da consigliare a tutti.
Oxana Denezhkina, Bosa, Italy, Visited July 2015,
“Волшебно …”
Я благодарю за такие суперские эмоции и гостеприимство которые меня ждали на волшебной Сардинии! Янина и Педро делают туры с душой а какие там места удивительной разнообразной природы , кусочки живого рая, свинки гуляющие сами по себе, лошади бегающие свободными табунами, тут и зелёная трава и хвойные лесы и высохшие песчаные озёра и даже какие то лианы … Я была в июне 2015 и с тех пор Хочу навсегда обратно :))
Yana2020, St. Petersburg, Russia, Visited June 2015,
…..e per tre giorni abbandonai il mondo per andare in paradiso”
Trekking Funtana Bona (Orgosolo) – Cala Sisine (Baunei) io e Rubi, Pietro Cubeddu E Indio, Yanina Antsulevich e Isabelle, Cristian e Emanuele Mattana con le loro bellissime purosangue ed il cane mascotte Cocconeddu.
Dal cuore della Sardegna attraverso luoghi spettacolari…. Un saluto a Gian Pietro dell’ovile Carta che ci ha ospitato x dormire e ci ha preparato ottime cenette e ad Ettore che non si smentisce mai con il suoi pranzi da 8000 calorie. È stato bello rincontrare Mario Cucca, Vittoria Mereu ed il suo cavaliere, Vincenzo con Michela ed il piccolo Antonio. A menzus annos menzus
Bastiana Mossa, Ozieri, Italia, Visited September 2014,
Trail riding around Lake Omodeo, the largest lake in Sardenia with great horses and guides. Thank you Yanina Antsulevich and Sella Sarda! We all had fun !
Brigitte Weston, Canada,
То, что я испытал за 2 недели пребывания на этом острове, в одном сообщении описать не возможно! Просто скажу, что туда определенно стоит ехать не только за пляжным отдыхом, но и за активным. Замечательные люди, великолепная природа и хорошие лошади – всё это позволило отдохнуть от шумного мегаполиса.Отдельное спасибо Яне! Это не только великолепный гид, но также хороший товарищ, попутчик и просто – замечательная девушка;) И конечно же – Bravo, Petro)”
Олег Емельянов, Москва,
“Согласна с предыдущим оратором – “описать невозможно”. Здравствуй, Олег. Нам потрясающе повезло, что в течении всего нашего отдыха на Сардинии с нами была Янина. Такого спектра различных эмоций я не испытывала давно. МОРЕ было потрясающее, чистое, прозрачное (как в Альгеро, так и с противоположной стороны острова, там какое-то другое), Люди, Янинины знакомые-друзья, просто невероятно обаятельные и радушные каталонцы и сарды (Petro!Grazie). Невероятно вкусное местное вино и конечно же деликатесы, известные на весь мир (Casu marzu, например, кому интересно что это ;)). Прекрасные виды, города – Альгеро, Седело, Босо, Оргозоло, с их узкими улочками и местечковыми храмами. Божественно красиво!!К тому же, путешествие на Сардинии было очень познавательным. Много новых и порой шокирующих открытий, которых не найти в общедоступных гидах. Благодаря Янине, мы посещали совершенно нетуристические места.Янина, огромное спасибо! было круто”